Аллокин-Альфа Отечественный противовирусный препарат нового поколения для лечения герпеса и папилломавирусной инфекции (ВПЧ) Прощай вирус!
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Different medicine – Аллокин-Альфа



Yesterday I purchased allokin-alpha from Ukraine.

But the product looks different than the images you have on your website.

The ampoule is bigger and has plastic on it.

The drug in it looks like round shaped cotton.

Also storage information is only saying not to exceed 8 degrees, 

No information to store above 2 degrees.

Could you please tell me all this is alright or did I buy a different allokin alpha ?

Hello! In Ukraine Allokin-alpha is produced from a Russian substance. The ampoule may look different. Allokin-alpha is lyophilizate, may look like cotton or a white lump. Store at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees.

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