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Influence of allokin alfa on male infertility – Аллокин-Альфа


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am 36 years old and I was diagnosed with oligoasthenospermia (8 million sperm count per ml, 2% morphology, 25% (a+b) motility, sperm volume 1.75ml, after one month treatment with fertilsan M pills supplementation 10 million sperm count per ml, 3% morphology, 42 (a+b) motility, sperm volume 3 ml)  but done on a different laboratory for geographical reasons. With one urologist I was diagnosed a mild (stage 1) varicocele, with other urologist I was told he 100% sure I had no varicocele, so it is not clear yet.  PH 7.8  and vitality 72% in both sperm analysis.

In the sperm analysis bacteria was found (no identification) and excess of leucocytes.

Based on that the urologist wanted to test for viral infections.  I was tested positive for Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes type 1 and 2 on blood analysis, but I have never had any symptoms in lips or genitals. Papilloma Virus was not checked, but many years ago I had lots of flat warts on my face which were very difficult to get rid of (it took more than 3 years) and since then no more symptoms.

Based on this diagnosis, the urologist recommende isoprinosine 500 mg 2 pills 3 times a day for 10 days, and 6 injections of allokin-alfa for 10 days.

My question is: 

a) what will be the short and long term predicted impact of allokin alfa treatment on sperm parameters? Are there any studies of allokin alfa treatment effect on semen parameters/male infertility?

b) Will signs of presence of CMV and Herpes disappear or decrease from blood analysis? How can I ascertain if treatment has been successful?

c) shall my wife be tested for these virus and take same treatment? We are trying to have a child.

Thank you.


PS : You may answer in russian /ukraine, I can understand it, just not so easy for me to write.

Dear Pedro
a) Neither the short-term nor the long-term direct predicted effect of Allokin-alpha on the spermogram’s parameters doesn’t have. An indirect effect is possible if the cause of the changes was a viral infection (herpes), because Allokin-alpha affects the clinical course of a herpes infection.
b) It is hard to say whether the signs of cytomegalovirus and herpes will disappear in the blood or not — You didn’t specify what indicators and tests were carried out and which method was used.
c) In any case, your wife should undergo medical examination — pre-conception counseling. 

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